Our shared hosting services are architectured with extreme care to be secure, reliable and high-performing. No false promises, no hidden strings!

Virtual Hosting Services

Virtual hosting, also known as shared hosting, is a breed web hosting service where a generally suitable development platform is provided to you at a fraction of the price of a dedicated server. Management of the underlying hardware and software services are taken care of on a shared basis, and therefore, you can concentrate on your website, databases and user accounts by offloading the management burden on us.

Common Features

  • PHP, Python, Ruby, NodeJS and many more languages support!
  • MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite databases.
  • Apache Web Server with mod_rewrite, mod_security2 and many more popular modules.
  • Nginx based reverse proxy for high-traffic websites (available on request).
  • Virtualmin (Webmin) control panel.
  • phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin for web based database administration.
  • RoundCube webmail and Usermin based user control panel.